Life is a journey, and along the way, we build walls which we use to protect ourselves. These walls can either build us up or break us down. These walls aren’t physically walls but emotional and mental walls, and like physical walls, they can push us forward or hold us back. At the end of the day, it’s up to us to determine if the walls we build help or hinder.
As I think about it, I know walls can help us as we move through life. I use walls to set boundaries for many reasons. The main one is to protect my mental health. This is extremely important for me. If I don’t set boundaries, then persons will feel it’s alright to step into my personal space and trample all over what I might have created. This is how I say no to toxicity being pushed into my life. I push back against negativity and not allowing the naysayers in my space. This allows me to be safe and grow personally and focus. As we use the walls to focus, it helps us to filter out any distractions that might compromise our mental health and create unnecessary noise. That’s the only way we can focus on our goals and priorities. We have to focus on ourselves.
This focus helps us to also heal from any kind of mental trauma and pain. When the pain involves heartbreaks or failures, walls should provide a temporary refuge which gives us time to heal and regain strength mentally before pushing ourselves to step back into the world with some level of confidence.
While walls can help us, if we are not careful, they become cages that trap us in a never-ending spiral of pain and fear. They become a prison, and we find it hard to escape, especially when we didn’t build them with doors. There is no way out as we have isolated ourselves, blocked any kind of growth, and opportunities. We have to walk that fine balance between building and breaking walls. We must be selective about the persons that are a part of our lives. Always remember it’s your life, so you decide who is a part of it and who should not be. We don’t have to and shouldn’t need to build ridiculously high walls, and we should know when to build and when to open the door. As I always say, it’s your life, and you get to decide, not others.
Let me know what you think; I really want to know, and I am sure others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. I would love it if you would say something, anything, and tell someone. 🙏🏽 Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a totally different perspective on the topic. It could also spawn another blog. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others. Always remember life is for living, and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear
See you next Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., Bogotá time.