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The age we live in pushes many persons to be skeptical because there is so much in terms of information that you have to wonder if what is presented is true. It’s an age of information overload at your fingertips. It’s nothing like when I was growing up. We went to the library for everything unless it could be found in the books at home. Never had encyclopedia it was too expensive. Imagine information was expensive. 🤔. Now it’s just there. Shifting through it is the problem. Is it real/right? Can what is presented be accepted? We are at that stage where we just have to question everything presented to us. Well that’s me. I can’t just accept everything presented to me. I walk my own path and won’t allow myself to be lead without looking at the facts presented and deciding what is right for me. If that makes me a skeptic then I guess I am. However it doesn’t mean that I hang on for dear life to my beliefs if I think something else that is presented is way better than what I believe.

I know persons that I always thought of as a skeptic until I really looked at their thought patterns and realized it’s not really skepticism but full negativity. No matter what these persons have a negative thought for every situation. I move away mentally from persons such as that because I wanted to continue to be me, a glass half full kind of person. I wouldn’t allow myself to be drawn into the spiral of negativity. I understand the need to question whatever is presented to you but not like that. When you think like that it pushed you into a downward spiral of negative thoughts. Is it worth it at the end of the day? I don’t think so. After all life is for living and living with joy and grace, after all we are blessed, whether you believe it or not. What you believe might not be what I believe but that doesn’t mean that I am a skeptic. It just means that I question what is presented to me, I look at all sides before I decide what is best for me. Why would I take all you present at face value? I want all sides of the story and then I make up my own mind. It’s all about me, not you and your story. That’s why we have to be careful with what we get as information. Everything presented isn’t always right. The media especially has been doing this forever. They use the platforms they have to control and lead us down the path they want us to go. Very often we can’t see what is happening until it’s too late. It’s then we say I should have known. But sometimes it really might be too late. But then again is it ever too late or can we redefine what’s important? We must be able to shift through all information in front of us and then make up our minds. I have made persons angry because I wouldn’t accept what they present to me as fact. What you think doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right, so too bad for you if you are upset with me. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Let me know what you think, I really want to know and I sure others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. It could also spawn another blog. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

I would love it if you would say something, anything and tell someone. 🙏🏽