How do you motivate yourself when life looks like it’s just a routine? It’s as if every day is just a repeat of the ones before? Is this routine important or just sucking the life out of you? How do you ensure you don’t just move through life like a zombie but live your life to the fullest, routine and all? How do you ensure it’s comfortable but not mind-numbing? Is it just an endless cycle or is there meaning to this life via these routines? Does this ensure you never move outside of the lines or is it that it keeps you protected?
Routine in many cases indicates structure. It gives us stability because we know what our lives should be and look like. It prevents us from having to focus on the nonessential things in life for many, including my husband, that is, having limited differences in everyday clothes, so there is no decision to make with what to wear. Everything looks alike, so grab what you need, and it’s a wrap 🙃. This allows you to focus on the more important things in life because you don’t have to focus on all the small things. Routines should be part of your schedule, which should be your habits. One of mine, for example, is to get home from work, rest a little, put on walking clothes, and go walk. That’s my routine at least five days of the week; it is a part of my schedule, it’s even in my calendar, and it becomes a habit. This way, you don’t focus on using motivation to get yourself going. It can be used to ensure whatever you do is a part of your long-term achievements and push you towards growth. If we don’t grow, we die.
On the other side of the coin if we don’t see the routine as an integral part of our lives it because a straight jacket and keeps us bound with no wiggle room. If it starts to suffocate us because we become locked in how things are done instead of thinking why we do these things it can hold us back. But then again is it the routine that holds us back or the unconscious living? Is it just existing that creates the problem? Is it just existing without living that holds us back in this situation? Is it not being grateful for all we have and all we will receive? Is it not doing anything outside of the routine that creates the problem. Routines are there in my opinion to structure and enhance our lives it’s not there to hold us rigidly in place.
So how do we create the balance where we need a routine but have a life? I think we just have to be present and alive in the moment, what do you think? We have to work to ensure our lives never become stagnant. It doesn’t mean that you allow drama and toxicity into your life. Keep them away but ensure you keep your routine to ensure you have structure and just live your best life.
Let me know what you think; I really want to know, and I am sure others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. I would love it if you would say something, anything, and tell someone. 🙏🏽 Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a totally different perspective on the topic. It could also spawn another blog. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others. Always remember life is for living, and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear
See you next Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., Bogotá time.

As you say, routines give you structure BUT you shouldn’t be afraid to change it up now and again. For example I try not to drive the same way home from work every day but INTENTIONALLY sometimes use a different route. I do this in other areas of life too. Structure helps me to stay out of the fray of chaos BUT I also recognize that constant structure can become rigid and sometimes you just have to deliberately let go and let God.
Yes, make sense to change it up sometimes.
Letting go and letting God can be scary for so many of us.