A Happy New Year. It another new year and a leap year at that. Can you believe it’s 2020? I was just coming to grips with 2019. Wow. Time sure flies. Time for some people to make all kind of resolutions and promises to themselves and the world which they never keep. Try not to make too many, take it small, baby steps, that way you will have a greater chance of fulfilling the promises. Try not to break those promises you make to yourself. You can create a habit in sixty days and if you just take it a day at a time you will get there. When this happens the behavior goes on autopilot.
As I am thinking about the new year and all that it can be I thought about the caption. I love this quote, “no matter where you go there you are.” I have been told it can be taken to mean different things but to me it just means what it says, that you are you no matter the place physically or mentally. You can’t run from yourself. No matter what you do that’s you. Think about it and what that means for you. You carry everything with you wherever you go. All that makes up you, your personality and your habits. You can’t be anybody else. You can pretend and try but you are you. I’m sure many persons try but it must dawn on them eventually that they are who they are. The thing is persons will forever try to pretend to be someone else when they are in a different environment or with different persons. Lying to others is one thing but lying to yourself is just plain delusional. It won’t work. Sooner or later it will stare you in the face. Very often what you see is not pretty.
The strangest thing is for many persons the grass is always greener on the other side. But is it really? As someone said to me years ago, it might look greener because of how they mow their lawn. Looking from the outside won’t allow you to really see what’s happening. As Oscar Wilde said “just be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” Be you, allow the best you to shine through. Put aside the negative thoughts and behaviors and focus on the positive. With this one change in behavior you would be surprised as to the impact it would have on you and your life. A positive life is a lovely thing.
Let us know what you have planned for the new year if anything. What impact do you think it will have on you and those around you? If you are already a positive person then what will you do to make it even better and where do you expect to end up? I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.
Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife.
See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm.
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It’s true we can resolve to do a lot of things, but the best thing indeed is to preserve our uniqueness – it’s what makes us who we are.
The greatest resolution we can make is to follow the 10 step program called the Commandments. It’s the greatest achievement we can ever make.
So simple but true. The commandments will never lead us astray.
Life is just for living… and while living it we should just DO GOOD.
Love and blessings for 2020.
Amen. All the best for you.
Beautiful post.. you are who you are. That can’t change. Looking at it from a marriage perspective, we just gotta be careful and be sure that who we are getting in with is.who we are comfortable with fleas and all. Because habits don’t just show up. It’s always in the person to do a certain thing, they just may have not shown it at a certain point in life until years in the marriage. At that point we can’t say “hey you are not the person I married” but actually they are.. they haven’t changed.. We don’t change.. Whatever we show others is what we should be sure is what it will be 10/20years later.. Be good and let good follow
Nicely said. We are who we are and it makes sense to show that person to others, but, maybe that person is not very nice. Make the change and as you said “be good and let good follow”