I read a quote recently and it said many persons die at the age of 25 but are buried at 65. To me it means that they just sleep walked through life. It true for so many persons that I have met.
I was talking to some members of my staff about it and one of them said so many persons really start their working life at 25 and just go with the flow until they retire at 65. They do nothing that would indicate that life is fun and for enjoying. As I have always said my mother told me that life is to be enjoyed. Let me make myself clear it doesn’t mean a life of debauchery. Going from nothing to excess is just too much and makes no sense.
There are so many ways to really enjoy your life. See the sights and travel. Travel doesn’t have to be outside of your country but just seeing somewhere else besides your town is a start. I have asked many persons about travel and I realize it’s the fear of the unknown that is the problem. One can’t live their life with fear. If you do that then, sigh. What can I say, life will not be pretty, and I like pretty😄.
My ideas re how to enjoy life might not be what you consider enjoyment but one really has to enjoy life to the maximum. Don’t sit back and expect life to come to you, go out and grab it by the horns and wrestle it. Who to tell you might win. 🤣😂
What I have realized is that your concept of enjoyment changes as you get older, (well it should). What you might have considered as major enjoyment before you were 18 changed after that and changed again at 25, you get the picture. Well that’s what happened to me and to many persons I know.
Your younger self would never believe some of the things that you now consider fun but we are human beings and we are constantly evolving. That is life.
So partying is no longer as fun for me as it was back in the day but now it’s replaced by activities that create fulfillment and make me very happy.
Live your life just don’t just sit there and go with the flow. Don’t just sit there and say I will do this when I get to this age or when I acquire this or the other. Because guess what, life is promised to no one. I can attest to that and I guess that’s why my parents were so adamant that I should go see life.
My father had this love of traveling and I guess that’s where I got it from. He wanted to see as much as possible before he left the earth physically and he did just that. He dragged my poor stepmom all over the globe. If it wasn’t for him she would not have been to four of the seven continents. When he died she looked back and said that she had tremendous memories of their travels and just life over all. Remember no one can take away those memories.
Let me know what you think, do you agree with me that life is for living or do you think life should be lived cautiously? Reach out to me via any medium.
See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm.
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Agreed. But that instant when the plane wheels leave the ground, that feeling of weightlessness and loss of control while you are on Terra firma is just too much, and the woman whose hand I grabbed then would think the same thing.
So for now I will travel the length and breadth of this Rock.
😂. As long as you move outside of your comfort zone sometimes. The important thing is to know there is life outside the circle of work and home.
Well said Andrea.
🙏🏽. Now if only we would go out and ensure we live our lives.
Well said Andrea! Life is for living…and I encourage everyone to live their best life right now! No waiting around for the money to come, or when u get older…
Live your best life now. Makes sense. Love it.
Life is for living and we should live it to the fullest. What is the use of having life if you are merely existing, not living. I retired a few months ago and several of my coworkers were perplexed that I was retiring and wanted to know what I was going to do with with life. They knew that I loved my job and was very dedicated, but apparently, they were not able to separate dedication to work from allowing your job to define you. Live your best life. Life is for living. Live it to the fullest, regardless of chapter in your life!!
Well said. In reality work should revolve around life not life revolving around work. There has to be a balance.
Enjoy the retirement and continue to live your best life.
You know what Andrea….you make very important points here, and you are so correct.
I just asked myself where have I been ?🤔
In the hustle and bustle of life you get lost.
When do we start living and not just existing?
Good question. When do we start living and not existing? Just start living if you realize that you are just existing. Work can’t be the be all and end all of life. That’s my take.