How many of us have them?
Ones we can depend on
These lyrics are taken from a rap song in the 80s by the group Whodine.
Someone asked me to write on friendship and it is a topic close to my heart as I am not a loner and will never be one. That doesn’t mean I don’t like solitude. Sometimes I like being by myself. I however have acquaintances, friends, good friends, great friends and best friends. I have friends from my childhood (yes I do), those from high school (we have a WhatsApp group 🤗), the ones I grew up with in my community and from university. Friends I made throughout my work life. I have acquaintances that are no longer friends as we just moved away from each other. I realized that is life. It happens. When this happens don’t beat yourself up about it, try to rescue the friendship, but if you can’t move on. I’m talking from experience.
For me a friend is a very important person. There is a major difference between a friend and an acquaintance. Not many persons really understand. A friend expects nothing from you but your friendship, just be there for them in happy times, good times, sad times and bad times. Friendenemies are just there to suck you dry. They pretend to like you but all the time just stabbing you in the back. That’s the worst kind of person but you can’t see them for what they are as they have on a mask. Unfortunately you very often don’t see them as they really are until it’s too late. But when you do move away from them and don’t be afraid. You will replace them, just know you attract who you are. Don’t believe me, look back on your life. Who did you hang out with? You will see a pattern. When you really think about it and accept it then you can make the change.
Friendship doesn’t mean that your friends have to live close to you, they don’t even have to live in the same country. Friendship transcend borders, gender and race in my mind. Besides we have technology and that helps a lot. This sacred thing called friendship must be nourished or it will die. And believe me if it starts to die it’s not the easiest thing to resurrect.
I have always told my kids that not everyone is your friend as that’s what my mother told me and she was so right. My mother used to say all the time “good friends better than pocket money.” Yes they are, I can tell you about that.
Let me know what you think about this blog. Do you have true friends or just acquaintances? If you can’t answer this question at a moments notice then really think about it as it’s important. Reach out to me via any medium and give me your thoughts.
See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.
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I Agree with your analysis. Friendship is analogous to taking a bus, there will be passengers getting off and boarding along the way, while others will go to the terminus from the start of trip. Friendship is similar, you add, subtract and hold friendships as life progresses. The important thing is to be able to determine their relevance and participation in your life.
Well said. So many persons don’t understand. But friendship and s extremely hard important. We are after all social beings.
I have friends that I haven’t spoken to or seen in decades, yet when meet up. It’s like time was frozen. We just continue from where we left off as if we were always corresponding. Then there are the other friends who from time time will check to see how are doing. In my book because I have no expectations whether you check or not once you’re my friend I will not judge you on my expectations
Friends are special people. They expect nothing but your love. You can say with certainty I have true friends.
To me friends are family you choose. Like my blood family they stick by you through thick and thin. As another song puts it, “…in good times, and bad times, I’ll be on your side forevermore… that’s what friends are for”. I’ve lived that blessing of friendship time and time again, but I don’t take it for granted as not many persons can say the same. I’m so thankful for my circle of friends, including you, since nineteen how long.
Friends are precious indeed. Treasure them and as you said not take them for granted.
Well said Andrea…Over the years,I have learnt who my real friends are. And that not all friendships were meant to be. Some friendships will fade and others will endure the test of time…
So true. My question is how do we know which friendships are meant to be?
The thing is when you know who are your true friends then keep them close. 🙏🏽
I quickly scroll through the weeks topic that I’ve missed.(not intentionally) I read each one attentively and came back to this one “Friendship” I’m convinced that I would be sleeping by 10 pm its now 10:01 lol. Ok back to topic. Friendship could be a lot of work depending How you want it to flourish I mean a we have different types as one writer mentioned. A quick story I want to share I meet this girlfriend of mine some long years ago we were doing this program at this community college she was studying LPN and me PC Support we meet in lunch rm. I was sitting eating she sar down we introduce ourselves. I told her the course I was taking and she said WOW but a you a the only women in the class. I gave her the worst look. We became good friends from there but as years goes by we just didnt communicate as much life happens. Coincidentally we meet through an acquaintance of mine and we up have been there through thick and thin. tragically her daughter passed away in Jamaica not even 24hrs of taking her vow. We were talking and the phone today and she said I love I’m so happy we are friends. I was so touch. cherish the true and real friends we have keep them close to our ❤. Some comes for a reason a season and a time but the the true ones will be there for life.Live Love Laugh.
Cherish friends like these. They become like family and in some situations better than family.
Many times that connection don’t need words everyday but it will always be there.
A thousand friends and acquaintances will pass through your life. But the reason God gave you only 10 digits on your hands is so that you can count the really good ones with those digits.
🤔. Never thought of it like that. So you keep the circle of friendship tight. Ahh interesting.