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Our actions and behaviors have consequences. Sometimes they affect us personally, or they affect others. Sometimes they affect the ones we live with serious ramifications. Something that could be seen as so simple, like the action of being and staying physically active, can have serious consequences if not taken seriously. As I mentioned in a blog at the start of the year, it doesn’t have to be a big jump but something small and consistent.

I was talking to someone yesterday that lost their job and had to grab something until they got back on their feet. The interesting thing with them was their ability to live within their means. So when something unusual happened in their life, they were able to cope. Yes, it’s nice to live a lavish lifestyle because who doesn’t like luxury? However, when you live outside of what you can afford, it can have some ripple effects for your life. The effects might not be immediate, but very often they affect you in ways you never expected. I remember talking to someone that had ignored the payment on their loan just because …🤷🏽‍♀️. One day when the bank had had enough and decided they wanted back their money with all the interest, it was a serious shock to the system. They not only froze the person’s account but also put a lien on the account so they had no money to live on because that’s where their salary went. Our actions can have serious consequences. It’s just that some persons can’t see very far ahead because the focus is on the immediate future.

In a similar fashion, when you take what doesn’t belong to you from not the most legitimate sources, why are you surprised when they retaliate? Don’t think you are special; there are consequences to all our actions, small or large. Be careful with what you do in life because we all know what goes around comes around and you don’t want it to take you to your knees.

If I had known that seems to be the favorite line of so many persons. What always amazes me is that they saw when it happened to someone else but seem to think it can’t happen to them. Only God can tell why they think they are special. I just think that some people don’t learn from what happens to others. I learn not only from my experiences but also from the experiences of others. That’s the way of the world. Whatever happens around us should give us the ability to learn.

Let me know what you think; I really want to know, and I am sure others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. I would love it if you would say something, anything, and tell someone. 🙏🏽 Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a totally different perspective on the topic. It could also spawn another blog. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others. Always remember life is for living, and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., Bogotá time.