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You know the saying that God moves in mysterious way and basically that’s what happened. He took my hand and lead me to start working with this relative very closely. It was while helping that I thought of the quote, once a man twice a child.

Money and happiness

In my mind it’s the experiences that I have had that has taken me to my happy place. I will always remember traveling, going to concerts or partying. Those experiences I will never forget and they made me happy.

Being nice

Rewards are not always monetary. Sometimes it does pay to be nice expecting nothing in return.

Nowhere fast

I was thinking life is like that sometimes we move at the speed of light but go nowhere and go nowhere really fast. Why can’t we be like nature, day must follow night and you can’t speed up how this is done. It’s just the way it is.


Should we always live up to the expectations placed on us or just be ourselves especially when we are not creating waves but ignoring what is thrust on us?


Can money and happiness live together or are they opposites? Why become wealthy? Is there a difference between being wealthy and being rich?