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…No one is indispensable in any way, shape or form. No matter how you think you are a part of any organization you can be replaced. This is one of the reasons that major organizations always have a succession plan…

Stay humble

…So many persons need to understand that staying humble must be a thing. I have personally seen persons that believe their own hype and think they have arrived and therefore are no longer what we might call humble. It’s interesting to see them fall and are humbled by the universe. …


You know the ones that really upset me; the ones that steal from the persons that employ them. Yes they aren’t paying you as much as you might want, but why steal 🤦🏾‍♀️. All my life my mother always said don’t touch people’s money. It’s not because you might get caught but because it’s wrong on all levels.

Challenges of life

…In order not to feel overwhelmed it makes sense to remember to prioritize what should be important and ignore the noise. Is this easier said than done especially when you know that if you step out of line you could lose the job. What would you do without the ability to make a living as you are doing now? That’s the reality that makes many live in a perpetually state of stress and conflict….

What is comfort

…I thought it interesting that the two persons idea of comfort was so different. I wondered to myself if it was the way they were raised or it was simply the personalities. Could it be their level of tolerance in that I like things really comfortable and want what I want?…

The turns of Life

…No man is an island. You might think you are but I’m here to tell you otherwise. I’m not saying that you are to befriend the entire world and be all up in everyone face just to seem that you are the best thing since slice bread. Just be decent. It’s not that hard. …