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Why get hit upside the head repeatedly if it has happened to others in the past. I guess all I can say is to each their own. It takes all types to make the world go round.


As you know I don’t like and do drama as it’s bad for my mental health. Also my physical health, as when the mind is messed up it can also does a number on the body.


When things happen in life that should push you down with no apparent ability to bounce back how do you keep you head above the water?


The problems might have felt overwhelming at the time but they didn’t break me and with that I ensure I learnt from them. Not learning and doing the same thing again is stupid.

Solving problems?

But in my mind all problems must have a solution and if you can’t figure it out yourself then ask for help. Someone must have seen the problem before and someone else must have come up with a solution.


Should you move from a physically location because things aren’t as you think they should be or should you stay and fight? When does the fighting become a waste of time and sometimes down right dangerous ?