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Asking and receiving

…Are we being ungrateful when we decide we no longer want what was granted because it came at a time when, in our minds, we no longer need it?🤔. Is it that we no longer need the gift, or are we looking at the situation from the wrong perspective?…


…In today’s world speed is the order of the day. Why wait patiently? For many that makes no sense we must get to the next point quickly, literally and figuratively. We have to have every thing at the touch of a button….

God complex

…I know it’s great to show strength and have a backbone but what happens when you go too far and believe than you are infallible? Is it a case of what goes up must come down?…

Pulling weeds

…. I thought removing weeds from the garden is just like pulling the naysayers and the energy vampires from our lives. If you don’t remove them they will stay there and multiply…

Taken for granted

…It’s important to be grateful and let the persons in your life know you love and appreciate them but it doesn’t mean that you allow yourself to be taken for granted….


…Why deal with the uncertainty when you can focus on what’s certain? Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your way of thinking it doesn’t work that way. As a matter of fact, is there anything that is certain excepting taxes and death?…