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Pulling weeds

…. I thought removing weeds from the garden is just like pulling the naysayers and the energy vampires from our lives. If you don’t remove them they will stay there and multiply…

Our life

….”Yes we have to plan for our future and know where we are going and how to get there however we must have some sort of a push to focus on the now. I know some persons will say that we do live in the now, but do you really?”…

Taken for granted

…It’s important to be grateful and let the persons in your life know you love and appreciate them but it doesn’t mean that you allow yourself to be taken for granted….

Do you

…This decision to take care of you often happens as we get older. I noticed that so often we get to the stage where we just don’t care as we get older. Is it that we don’t care or is it that we now see things more clearly with age?…

Giving up

…What might have been important to you could have changed. When that happens it’s not that you have let go of what you wanted it’s just that what you want changed. …


…We grow by making mistakes, learning from them, and applying those lessons to our future actions. This process of learning is a lifelong process. It simply means that understanding life isn’t always about achieving the knowledge we think we should have but about constant evolution. …