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I realized that sometimes we really don’t like the message that we hear and so we will lash out at the messenger. My take on this is please don’t shoot the messenger listen to them and their message.

Be flexible

It doesn’t mean you are weak if you allow yourself to bend sometimes 😉. As a matter of fact in my mind that’s where you show strength.


Does one need to be old to be wise or can one gain wisdom when young? Is wisdom something taught, innate or is it gained from your learnt and lived experiences?


Without seeing outside of your little world that you created how do you get an appreciation of what others think? Maybe they are right and that is the truth

To get vaccinated or not

Fast forward to today and millions have been vaccinated. For me there was the choice vaccine or maybe I would be bad lucky and get the virus. That’s a no-brainer for me. The vaccine for me.