Win some, you lose some
Why is it if you love the person there is the need to let them go? Is it that they don’t love you and need to be away from you?
Why is it if you love the person there is the need to let them go? Is it that they don’t love you and need to be away from you?
We just never know what tomorrow will bring, so leave yesterday behind as it’s heavy, someone said that to me one day. Focus on what’s ahead. Focus on the good in your life.
There are so many things that you could decide that you want to focus on and really appreciate which in turn appreciates in value to you.
I think the main reason would have been just getting to know me and understanding where my moral compass was made that difference.
Have you been sucked in slowly without even realizing? Sometimes we don’t even notice until someone says, “you have changed.” Take it at face value and look deep within.
I wonder why the need to tear down others so that you can achieve what you want. Sooner or later this behavior will come hack to haunt you.