Solving problems?
But in my mind all problems must have a solution and if you can’t figure it out yourself then ask for help. Someone must have seen the problem before and someone else must have come up with a solution.
But in my mind all problems must have a solution and if you can’t figure it out yourself then ask for help. Someone must have seen the problem before and someone else must have come up with a solution.
I found out the best time to take chances is when you are young.
When I think of happiness I think of that warm and fuzzy feeling that I get. This is when I realized that happiness is hard to explain.
So many times in my life I have seen “opportunities” presenting themselves and I grab them. I have never seen a opportunity that I don’t like. I just take them and use them and have been told many times that I’m just lucky.
As we go through this journey called life it’s up to us to decide how we will enjoy. No one can determine how you live your life, well really no one should. It’s your life and you should determine how you live life.
Should you move from a physically location because things aren’t as you think they should be or should you stay and fight? When does the fighting become a waste of time and sometimes down right dangerous ?