Should we always live up to the expectations placed on us or just be ourselves especially when we are not creating waves but ignoring what is thrust on us?
Should we always live up to the expectations placed on us or just be ourselves especially when we are not creating waves but ignoring what is thrust on us?
Being a parent comes with no manuals. It is a journey that never ends. I will be their mom forever. Very often we have to make up the manual ourselves as we go along.
Can money and happiness live together or are they opposites? Why become wealthy? Is there a difference between being wealthy and being rich?
Routines inevitably become habits I think. In my mind they become intertwined. Whatever you do daily as part of your routine becomes the habit that takes over our life.
I just felt so drained and wondered if it was just the heat or just life pulling at me.
Why get hit upside the head repeatedly if it has happened to others in the past. I guess all I can say is to each their own. It takes all types to make the world go round.