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…so the best thing to do is put what you can in place and know whatever that higher being throws at you, it will make you. We don’t break because we don’t live in fear. …



…Our actions can have serious consequences. It’s just that some persons can’t see very far ahead because the focus is on the immediate future. …


…When you like to plan it seems crazy to take that jump without knowing what the ramifications are. We question everything. What will happen, how will it happen, why will it happen….

Asking and receiving

…Are we being ungrateful when we decide we no longer want what was granted because it came at a time when, in our minds, we no longer need it?🤔. Is it that we no longer need the gift, or are we looking at the situation from the wrong perspective?…

Continual Learning

… I have to ensure that I feed my mind and my body. I take care of me in all spheres of my life: body, mind, and spirit. I read a lot because for me that’s the best way to learn….