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…We have to be not only authentic but genuine and honest and guard our integrity jealously. When we are true to ourselves we are more confident and have a sense of peace. …

Perception vs reality

…Could it be that one’s upbringing and mindset has a lot to do with how we perceive reality? Can we curate reality by showing ourselves as what we want others to think? This is done often with the use of social media….


…Complaining takes us nowhere but it can help us to feel better because we get the issue off our chest, but at what point do we stop talking and do something? How do we ensure it doesn’t become negative and toxic?…

Do you

…This decision to take care of you often happens as we get older. I noticed that so often we get to the stage where we just don’t care as we get older. Is it that we don’t care or is it that we now see things more clearly with age?…

Giving up

…What might have been important to you could have changed. When that happens it’s not that you have let go of what you wanted it’s just that what you want changed. …


…Exposure can be a major thing. It can open your eyes to so many things out there in the world and more than just things around you. When we have an open mind and are exposed to more than what is in our immediate vicinity life takes on a totally different dimension….