You can’t blame you attitude to life on anyone but yourself. Think about it. How is it someone else fault that you see nothing good in anything that happens to you? How is it their fault that you are ungrateful?
You can’t blame you attitude to life on anyone but yourself. Think about it. How is it someone else fault that you see nothing good in anything that happens to you? How is it their fault that you are ungrateful?
The thing I noticed was when I push off persons trying to hijack my day for their own benefit I got more done. Do you agree? Or is it that your day is owned by others no matter how hard you try? How do you make the change? Is it even possible to make the change if you don’t own your hours? Would it make a difference?
I also have to ensure that I put what is important to me to the fore and put everything else to the back. If I don’t do that it’s going to be me behaving like a dog chasing its tail.
How do we continue to grow? Is it something that you can measure or do you even want to measure it?
It’s then that I have to decide am I doing it for the likes or for the love. I decided that it was for the love. I really love writing. Is this what I want to continue doing forever? I’m not certain. I know it’s not as exciting as it once was but why stop? I realize that I just have to spin it in a way that still makes it exciting for me.
Why must we procrastinate? Sigh. I know what I should do but sometimes I just don’t feel it. I have to talk myself into just doing it.