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State of mind

Only you can determine your state of mind or let’s rephrase that, only you should. Try not to have anyone else control your way of thinking. When they do it’s to their benefit and your detriment. Have you ever seen persons trying to control someone else? It’s an interesting situation.


You can’t blame you attitude to life on anyone but yourself. Think about it. How is it someone else fault that you see nothing good in anything that happens to you? How is it their fault that you are ungrateful?


I have to ensure I have things the way I should or life might spiral out of control. Trust me it’s easy to lose the control as things just move away from you and have you wondering if there is any way to get it back to how you want it. Imagine allowing others to dictate how you live your life.

Secret sauce to life

He and I argued a lot because I just figured he was not the boss of me and so therefore should not be telling me what to do. He didn’t care that I was grown. The fact is I am my father’s child and I figure that’s why we butted heads just a little too often.

Five years

It’s then that I have to decide am I doing it for the likes or for the love. I decided that it was for the love. I really love writing. Is this what I want to continue doing forever? I’m not certain. I know it’s not as exciting as it once was but why stop? I realize that I just have to spin it in a way that still makes it exciting for me.


Many times we can’t understand why things don’t happen at the time we want it. I’m not sure where the quote came from but it sums up what my stepmom would say to me all the time.