To get vaccinated or not
Fast forward to today and millions have been vaccinated. For me there was the choice vaccine or maybe I would be bad lucky and get the virus. That’s a no-brainer for me. The vaccine for me.
Fast forward to today and millions have been vaccinated. For me there was the choice vaccine or maybe I would be bad lucky and get the virus. That’s a no-brainer for me. The vaccine for me.
Do you live like no one is watching or are you afraid of what “they will say?”
Failing doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you tried and it didn’t work. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and try again.
I personally don’t want to look back and say why didn’t I do what I wanted to because of fear. When I look back it must be to say job well done, life well lived.
Now those that have the talent and the willingness to put in the extra work it’s hard to catch them.
Will you allow the fear to decide what you do or not do with your life. Look at fear and decide if you will allow it to rule your life or will you give it notice. Time to move out. And no don’t just hike the rent as it will be more than willing to pay more so that it can stay.