…In today’s world speed is the order of the day. Why wait patiently? For many that makes no sense we must get to the next point quickly, literally and figuratively. We have to have every thing at the touch of a button….
Sad Feelings
…Cry, but know you have so much to live for so pick yourself off the ground and brush yourself off and continue down this road we call life. It’s not the destination that’s the important thing but the journey….
…Have you ever just had a feeling to get up and just go off somewhere and meet someone new who becomes one of your best friends or see someone that you hadn’t seen in forever?…
God complex
…I know it’s great to show strength and have a backbone but what happens when you go too far and believe than you are infallible? Is it a case of what goes up must come down?…
…Imagine stepping into that space outside of what we think to be “normal”, it can be really unsettling. As humans we all want to be safe and secure. …
…Why is it that we stick to our routines although we can see that what we really want we are not getting? I think it’s because it’s comfortable and it’s scary to make any change. But how will our circumstances improve if we don’t make the changes in our lives? …
…We have to be not only authentic but genuine and honest and guard our integrity jealously. When we are true to ourselves we are more confident and have a sense of peace. …
Perception vs reality
…Could it be that one’s upbringing and mindset has a lot to do with how we perceive reality? Can we curate reality by showing ourselves as what we want others to think? This is done often with the use of social media….
…Complaining takes us nowhere but it can help us to feel better because we get the issue off our chest, but at what point do we stop talking and do something? How do we ensure it doesn’t become negative and toxic?…
Pulling weeds
…. I thought removing weeds from the garden is just like pulling the naysayers and the energy vampires from our lives. If you don’t remove them they will stay there and multiply…