Passion is that love and I mean real love of something that as said in the quote excites you. It’s about what you love not what others have indicated you should love. Is it even easy to focus on your passion.
Passion is that love and I mean real love of something that as said in the quote excites you. It’s about what you love not what others have indicated you should love. Is it even easy to focus on your passion.
How do we continue to grow? Is it something that you can measure or do you even want to measure it?
When you think of the concept of progress do you see major leaps or do you see it as small steps?
It would be rather strange and in some ways really monotonous if all persons behaved in the same manner. We are different and unique by nature.
It’s then that I have to decide am I doing it for the likes or for the love. I decided that it was for the love. I really love writing. Is this what I want to continue doing forever? I’m not certain. I know it’s not as exciting as it once was but why stop? I realize that I just have to spin it in a way that still makes it exciting for me.