I am blessed
…Some might not agree with me but that’s the way I feel. I’m blessed and I would bet many of the persons that I know are also blessed even if they don’t think so…
…Some might not agree with me but that’s the way I feel. I’m blessed and I would bet many of the persons that I know are also blessed even if they don’t think so…
…I think it interesting that at this time of the year is when we are tempted to give more. I wonder why? Is it because it’s Christmas and we have that feeling? …
…In today’s world speed is the order of the day. Why wait patiently? For many that makes no sense we must get to the next point quickly, literally and figuratively. We have to have every thing at the touch of a button….
…Cry, but know you have so much to live for so pick yourself off the ground and brush yourself off and continue down this road we call life. It’s not the destination that’s the important thing but the journey….