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Looking back

…My time there molded me into the woman I am today. Yes my parents were integral part in how I did in the world but I realized I spent a good portion of the day at school. As I look back I know that where I went to high school had a tremendous impact on my life and how I see life. …

Wrong wall

… Think about it. We think we want to do certain things and achieve so many things in life and then to get to the “end” and realize that it’s not really what you want and because you have worked so long to get there is hard to let go and move on. …

Our purpose

…At the end of the day what do we do? Do we go on as things are or do we pivot and go down a different path. Then again how will that be done if we still have on the golden handcuffs? What’s the key to taking off the golden handcuffs?…

What is comfort

…I thought it interesting that the two persons idea of comfort was so different. I wondered to myself if it was the way they were raised or it was simply the personalities. Could it be their level of tolerance in that I like things really comfortable and want what I want?…

The turns of Life

…No man is an island. You might think you are but I’m here to tell you otherwise. I’m not saying that you are to befriend the entire world and be all up in everyone face just to seem that you are the best thing since slice bread. Just be decent. It’s not that hard. …