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One hit wonders

As I mentioned in a previous blog my parents told me to go after my dreams and I tried. There is so much more that I want to do but will try soon, haven’t given up. What I don’t want is later in life to be sitting reminiscing and beat myself as I should have tried something and never did because of fear.

Balancing life

If you don’t set priorities then life can spirals out of control. My list might not be yours, but you have to know what is important or you might end up on your back on a hospital bed, looking towards the ceiling wondering what happened.

Living in the moment

Why focus on the now and not the past or the future? Well one is gone and can’t be repaired and the other is yet to come.


Without gratitude you become selfish and egotistical as you assume all that has come to you was done on your own. You don’t see anything in life that’s good. And without gratitude nothing comes to you from the universe.